There is a place where two streams meet, interlacing like ancient fingers, coming together once and for all, never again to let go. Deep in the swail beneath the great bog, where the heaving shoulders of land wear a velvet green cloak of moss and grass, with golden epaulettes of Gorse is The Meeting of […]
Archive by Author

Leaving Paris The Second Time | Romania 2013
Paris for a second time in one Month. For just a single day. A day to reconcile any unresolved sentiments I might have and to do anything here I might want to do, in case this is the last time I will see her. I’m oddly consumed when I think about possible lasts. It’s as […]

Humility and Bobby McFerrin | Romania 2013
Mana Deschisa Women’s Shelter, Campina Romania, May 2013. I tacked the last piece of colored yarn in place across the length of the small building. Wiping my dirty hands on my pants, I stepped back to survey my work and tried to imagine the purple and green morning glories that would someday grow into a […]

Don’t Step On Your Own Feet | Romania Trip 2013
So we arrived in Bucharest, Romania late on the 9th. Andrea and Ryan, our hosts could not have been more gracious. In the first several days we got to taste Bucharest, literally and figuratively. Let me assure the reader; any dish that I don’t even take the time to photograph must’ve seduced me completely […]

What I came here for | Romania 2013
I wondered what coming back to Paris would be like. I wondered if I would be smitten like I was before, when Mom and Kate and I came, three french hens wandering the great wind of St. Germain’s alleys and shamelessly devouring the glut of this visual feast. The visual feast and more than a […]

Every puzzle needs a box-top | Romania 2013
I am sitting in the airport. The sounds of languages blending with white noise and the intermittent pulse of jets whining down the runway seep into my very tired brain. When I arrived in Philly at 8 am, after making it onto our first flight in what could easily have been a long list of […]

The House That Built Me | Belated Posts | June 2012
How quickly things can change. Aaron and I have had a funny feeling that when things happened, they would happen all at once. This week we put the Beech Grove house under contract and in the same 5 days, I took some buyers through the house in Plainfield and they’re writing an offer on Monday. […]

Living with the heat | Belated Posts | Summer 2012
103 degrees. 105 degrees. 103 degrees. Days and days of these three digit temperatures, stringing together the hottest, longest heatwave in Indianapolis history, or so they say. The heat hasn’t even really broken in the evening. Hours after the sun goes down it’s still like trying to breathe through wool outside. In the middle of […]
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