I really enjoyed this video. I think there is something to be said for the old way of passing down “skills” from generation to generation not to mention the idea of being focused on helping teach/help others. These boys will be well prepared to deal with the stuff that life throws at all of us. […]
Archive | Travel
RSS feed for this sectionWhat I came here for | Romania 2013
I wondered what coming back to Paris would be like. I wondered if I would be smitten like I was before, when Mom and Kate and I came, three french hens wandering the great wind of St. Germain’s alleys and shamelessly devouring the glut of this visual feast. The visual feast and more than a […]
Every puzzle needs a box-top | Romania 2013
I am sitting in the airport. The sounds of languages blending with white noise and the intermittent pulse of jets whining down the runway seep into my very tired brain. When I arrived in Philly at 8 am, after making it onto our first flight in what could easily have been a long list of […]
small rv’s
Bedford Bambi: Indy727: Tent Mushi: http://morgenrot.exblog.jp/11706162/ Rascal Danbury: Romahome: Town Ace:
Old bus at a gravel pit
This is an old Girl Scout bus that I fell in love with…it was rotting away in the back of a gravel pit. Enjoy
Day 24: Giving Thanks, Making Trades
Day 24: Giving Thanks, Making Trades! For those of you that don’t know, Mandy and I were able to sponsor two families last year for Christmas and decided at that we would do something fun to raise money to help more families this year. Enter Chuck! Chuck is a squirrel ornament with a great deal […]
Day 22: Recovery
DAY: 22 LOCATION: SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS TO GAINESVILLE, TEXAS (JUST NORTH OF FT. WORTH) Well, we’re just recovering from a string of days that has left us staring at the bum end of a wal-mart parking lot : ) We got to enjoy Thursday in the afterglow of what I’ve now labled “Engagement Day” (This […]
Day 19 – Engagement Day *Trumpet Fanfare* San Antonio, Texas
DAY: 19 LOCATION: SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Aaron wakes me, cheerfully…sweetly… “El Mercado, Smoochie, time to wake up and go see El Mercado!”. “Eerrunnnph”. Loosely translated that means “I need to run, but its too cold to emerge, I need to go to the bathroom, but I’m not walking up the hill right now. I need […]
Day 18 – San Antonio Part I, The Discovery
DAY: 18 LOCATION: Lafayette, Louisiana (with an overnight walmart stopover in Houston, Texas) to San Antonio, Texas MILES: 412 We pass through Houston at sunset, a whole day of country radio ringing in my head, and mostly George Strait; “The stars at night – are big and bright, deep in the heart of texas…” We […]
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