Day: 10 Miles: 150 Location: Perry, Florida to Apalachicola, Florida I guess there’s some places you go that just get under your skin. For Aaron and I we found just that sort of place in Apalachicola. “Our Apalach” humored us with friendship, with honesty, with a million details for visual feasting…and with that feeling you […]
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Days 1, 2 & 8 – North Vernon, Toni, The Beach & The Wedding
Day 1 (2) Miles: Approx 112 Location: Mom and Dad’s, Noblesville Indiana to Muscatatuck Park, North Vernon Indiana Today was familiar scenery – leaving late, stopping at our house in Plainfield to pick up some tools. Its election day, today, tomorrow we find out who holds the country for the next 4 years. We have […]
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